Habitat Bay Waveland By the Numbers
November 6, 2017
Habitat Bay Waveland was born out of the devastation of Hurricane Katrina and the subsequent need for affordable housing. Bay St. Louis and Waveland were ground zero for the storm. Although our construction of new homes has slowed down, our critical home repair program is helping homeowners that can’t afford sorely needed repairs and our weatherization program continues to help homeowners resulting in more efficient energy bills and a healthier environment. We’ve served more than 1,081 families and are working to find innovative ways to serve more families in need. Check out some of the other great numbers about Habitat Bay Waveland.
New Homes constructed since 2006.
Critical Home Repairs completed since 2006.
Weatherization projects completed since 2006.
Families served in Hancock and Pearl River counties.
Square miles that Habitat Bay Waveland serves. (larger than the state of Rhode Island)
Volunteers who have served with Habitat Bay Waveland over the last 12 years.